Service Description


Massage therapy

Assessment is included in treatment time, massage techniques are customized to your specific treatment goals. Pressure is applied to your comfort level. Home care and remedial exercises are given post treatment, but are also factored into treatment time.



Reflexology is one of the most ancient healing practices in the world. Oldest known records date back to the Egyptian Book of Life. It was later developed among Eastern countries before regaining development in the 1800’s. Pressure points on the feet communicate via the nerve reflex centres to the brain where the brain responds with triggering the body’s healing mechanisms. Reflexology has been extensively studied and has shown great improvements in all body systems, especially regulating hormones, improving digestion and lowering pain and inflammation.


CranioSacral therapy

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CST is a very gentle Osteopathic manipulation of the skull and attached fascia. Although it primarily consists of the head, it can be done all over the body to initiate repair and balance. CST can be used in combination with medical interventions to assist in recovery from (but makes no claims to cure) post concussion syndrome, anxiety, depression, chronic pain and fatigue, TMJ, PTSD, Infant and childhood disorders, syndromes of the ear or eye such as vertigo, tinnitus and migraines. Craniosacral therapy can help to improve the functioning of the nervous system, relieve pain and improve cognitive function. CST can help treat a variety of conditions both physical and psychological.

Soul Connection Reiki

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Soul connection Reiki is my own version of energy healing. Shamanistic style energy techniques, reiki, crystals, sacred Indigenous medicines/teas/smudge are combined with a consultation to determine what themes, lessons, changes are asking you to let go and tune into the direction of your highest calling. Suggestions and homework is given post session as tools to assist in integration of change.